Wednesday, 12 January 2022

An Analysis of Different Types of Tachometer


Tachometer has been prominently used in many sectors in the pas few years. The factor responsible for its popularity is its work in different industries, working as a multi- tasker. It is used accurately and reliably measure the rotational speed of a rotating object and to also function to measure the acceleration of the body. You can find many available products doing the same, but they have something or the other lacking in them which make them uncompetitive and untrustful.

Let us now discuss some types of Tachometer , which may help you in finding the best suitable for you-

·         Contact- To function, they mandate proximity or touch between them and the rotating shaft. To measure, they have a small, long and thin elongated structure that points out and that is then connected to the body whose RPM and acceleration is to be noted down. It requires a very long procedure which is not very convenient.

·         Non -Contact- Unlike contact tachometers, they do not require any touch between the two.  It results in faster calculations in a convenient manner. I would strongly recommend you to buy this variant for higher efficiency. As they do not mandate any contact nor have any special structure, they require some medium to note the measurements.

Non- contact types are further divided into two other variants which are as follows-

1.      Laser Non- Contact- They have a laser embodied in them so that they can calculate effectively. The laser light is thrown upon the object and the readings are calculated. They are very handy and use very less time.

2.      Optical Non- Contact- these have an optical sensor which when shown to the body, evaluates more accurate and precise readings than the laser tachometers and ensure more reliable outputs.

If you are confused to choose between non -contact and contact ones, non- contact tachometers are the best recommended and optical non- contact tachometers are best amongst them.

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