Data loggers are commonly used electronic devices which automatically monitor and record the environmental parameters like moisture, speed, humidity, temperature, wind and more over time, and conditions to be observed, analyzed, measured, documented, and validated.
The data logger has a sensor to receive the environmental information and a computer chip to store that information. Then the stored information stored in the data loggers is transferred to a computer for analysis.
The device monitor parameters including temperature, humidity, single and three phase power usage, voltage, pulses or counts. Data logging of environmental factors can be done manually by constant human observation. For instance, there is an example of this might be recording the temperature changes over the course of an hour in a heated room using a thermometer, timer, pen, paper, and more.
However, using the electronic data loggers is much more beneficial, effective, accurate and reliable than taking the periodic readings manually. It does the job of all the tools mentioned above, saving time, individually, and expense.
There are many benefits of data logger to measure the environmental parameters, some of these benefits include:
It can work as per its symmetry. Some of them log data 24 hours a day and 365 days of the year while some of the data logger’s logs data only during its predefined period of time.
The measurement is very accurate as the likelihood of human error is not there.
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