Digital Counter basically use a series of flip-flops interconnected to create digital signals and analyze the triggers created. They use mathematical analysis and binary technologies for performing the functions. Digital counter generally uses binary coding in series or in parallel patterns to calculate counters. The different applications and types of counters are thus listed below.
Asynchronous counter:
This Digital Counter is a singled type flip-flop that is not interconnected. It first uses the input data and rest comes on due to the previous outputs generated. It analyses from 0 to 1 byte only. The counter increases with each cycle and overflows after to cycles thus transitioning from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1. Many such additional counters can be added to increase the count and they are known as Ripples. These types of Digital counter are basically used in clocks where 2^n -1 logic is used. Here n is a number of flip-flops.
Synchronous counter:
They are only triggered by input pulses that are interconnected, unlike asynchronous ones. They work in parallel fashion. A high and a low bit state are maintained and as soon as a certain bit value is triggered the output comes out. This is basically used in machinery that is less complex.
Decade counter:
It doesn’t function and measure in binary ways but in decimal values instead. It counts binary coded decimals or rather a binary decoding. A normal counter can be made into a Decade Counter by just adding a NAND gate to it. It counts from 0 to 9 and the system is reset to zero. The clock pulse increases until it reaches 1001 or rather Decimal 9 and after it reaches Decimal 1010 it as depicted as high and resets itself.
Ring Counter
It is a type of circular shift registers. The design is such that a single flip-flop might be in a state of one while others remain in zero states. As a ring suggests, the output of the last flip-flop is the input of the first one and the data flows. A single bit of pattern flows generally.
Johnson Counter
It is a modified form of ring counter or rather known as a twisted ring counter. The last output is twisted or changed before feeding as an input to the first flip-flop. They are basically used for complex functions like digital to analog conversion. In this case, too single bits are used but patterns have a length twice to that of the shift registers.
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