Friday, 27 October 2017

Count all your activities with Digital Counters

To understand the working of a Digital counter, it is equally important to understand other basic technologies used in it. Sequential type of logic circuit, which gives an output depending not only upon the input it receives but also on its current state or the sequence of inputs previously received. For example. the channel buttons on a television remote control. When you press the “up” button, the channel number moves ahead by one.

If the current channel is number 3,the channel will move to number 4. But, if the channel is on number 8, the channel will move onto number 9. And in a similar manner, it works for the “down” button. Hence, the output will be affected not only by the input but also by the current status. That means, the Television set has to keep a record of its current status and inputs given earlier and at the moment as well.

This is how the sequential logic works. Flip-flop is the storage element of the sequential logic. It is a circuit that stores data in binary form, i.e., in the form of 0s and 1s. It is the fundamental block of digital electronics. One such application of flip-flops is digital counters.

They are made up of combinations of multiple flip-flops. The most commonly used are D and J K flip-flops. Counters are widely used to keep count of the occurrence of an event. To put it in other words, it keeps track of the increment and decrement in the number of times and event takes place. This technology has proved to be a benefit for development and improvement of many other technologies. Few of the very common implementations are odometers, microwaves, VCRs, washing machines, digital clocks, etc. The applications and usage of these counters has gone up with the growing development and thrive for technology. Digital counters are one of the type of counters, the other being Mechanical and Computer science counters. It has furthermore, several types as well :

  • Asynchronous (ripple) counter.
  • Synchronous counter.
  • Decade counter.
  • Up/down counter.
  • Ring counter.
  • Johnson counter.
  • Cascaded counter.
  • Modulus counter.

Out of all of these, Synchronous and Asynchronous digital counters remain to be the most commonly used in digital electronics.

Digital counters are not only used but in these high-end electronics but also available as a simple and cheap product as counters that can be worn on your fingers. They are petite, colorful, easy to use, easily available and affordable and very useful for keeping record of your daily activities like knitting. All you have to do is wear it on your finger, continue what you're doing and hit the button whenever you want to increment the number of times. Say, you wish to pack a 100 apples in a huge box. You can hit the button on your counter whenever you put one apple in the box. It's indeed a relief to see how much these products have decreased the troubles of a daily life.

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