Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Get a comprehensive guide about the ORP meter to know more about it

In the market, you can find a number of instruments that are specially designed for measuring the cleanliness of liquid. These instruments are mainly utilized for their excellent performance and accurate results. One such instrument that finds its great application in the food processing and water treatment industry is ORP meter. This instrument which acts as a device that tells about the chemical elements that are present in water or any specific liquid. ORP device is well suited for checking the “Oxidation Reduction Potential” in the given liquid.

The functioning of the meter
The main function for which this device is in demand is the observation of impurities present in the liquid. If high alkalinity or acidic substances are present in the liquid then it can be harmful and this needs to be detected through the ORP device. In the ozonated water, a probe is placed that is used for measuring the generated voltages. The generated voltage is then compared to a silver electrode from the silver salt solution. If there is the availability of more oxidizer then the voltage difference will be greater.

The need of ORP meters
ORP meter is a cost-effective device used for monitoring the features of the liquid. Some of the most common application of his meter includes disinfection using bromine and ozone. It is also utilized as an indicator of sanitizing activity. In the bleach and wet scrubber production, this device is of great application. One of the main benefits of using this meter is that it provides convenience in measuring the ozone’s ability for performing a chemical process.  The probe of this meter has the ability to withstand 30 PSI. Watch Video…

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Why there is a need for the application of ORP meter in different industries?

Because of the availability of the latest technology, you can see a number of devices in the market that helps in testing the water quality parameter. But, many of these devices get failed on different parameters such as accuracy and performance. ORP meter is one such devicethat is considered high performing for liquid observing. This device generally works as the voltage between the reference electrode and a platinum measuring electrode. With this meter, you will get to see how good the liquid is to be consumed or used for different applications.
The demand for meter in different places
·         ORP water testing device can is of great usage in swimming pool sanitizer. The main application of this meter is to measure the effectiveness of the pool’s sanitizer. Continual monitoring with ORP equipment will help in correcting levels of water cleanliness that is required to be maintained.
·         ORP meter is well suited to be used cooling tower disinfection. Apart from this, you can also make use of this meter for bleaching, chrome reductions, and metal etching. Read More...

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

How to choose the best pH meter for your applications?

No matter what kind of industry it is, there is a great requirement of pH meter for measuring the acidic and alkalinity of the solutions. In the food industry, monitoring the pH level of every item is important. This meter is also used in sewage treatment, cheese making, dairy products making, swimming pool cleaning and many more. Thus, it is extensive applications in almost every sector. So, you must choose this meter very precisely and carefully. There are some factors on which you can focus on before buying this meter for your applications. So, let’s have a look at them:

Accuracy of the meter: This is the foremost thing to be noticed as precision matters a lot when it comes to measuring anything. There’s availability of different models and specifications whose accuracy might slightly differ from each other. So, have a look at all the models and gather details about the resolution and accuracy of the pH meter.
Longer shelf life: This is an important feature to be noticed. Every model has a different shelf life but you need something that can work flawlessly to ensure longer life. For this, you are needed to have a look at some shortlisted range of meters. You should also find out about the functionality of the meter on the basis of easy application. Read More...

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

pH Meter- An electric tool that serves different sectors and industries

With the passage of time and technological advancement, you can see a number of devices and instruments. One such highly demanded and efficient device is the pH meter. It is one of the important devices that have gained huge popularity in various sectors and industries. The main reason for using this meter is to measure and detect the levels of acidity in different solutions such as medicines, wastewater, food items, chemicals substances, petrochemicals and many more. This meter is equipped with electrodes that are mainly available for measuring the pH of liquid and semi-solid substances in different places.

Many people wonder about the applications of this meter. This equipment finds its great application in different industries and sectors. Some of them include:

  The dairy industry is an important sector where pH meter is extensively used for processing of curds, yogurts and cheese, and many other items. All these dairy products require a balanced and slightly lower level of acid to taste better. In order to measure the acidity levels, this meter is used in the dairy industries.  
 Soil evaluation and farming is also a well known industry where you can make use of this ph detecting meter. Soil preferences are different for every plant therefore there is a huge demand for this pH meter in the farming. Most of the plants and crops need alkaline environments for their growth. This meter is required for testing the soils as well as fertilizers whenever farming is needed. Wastewater treatment also requires the application of this meter in order to check and detect the levels of alkaline and acids.  Watch Video….

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

List of the application area of humidity controller

As the name justified, the humidity controller is a tested and most widely used device that is extensively used for measuring the level of humidity in the air. It is also used for maintaining an ambient temperature when this device detects any low or rise in the humidity in the atmosphere. In easy words, it can be said that this controller helps in appropriately navigating the humidity levels so that humidity related problems can be taken care of that arises because of incorrect humidity levels.
Let’s have a look at some of the most interesting and important areas of application of this device:
Chemical industry
In the chemical industry, you will see multiple complex processes in which humidity is crucial. Some of these processes include hygroscopic processing and low temperature drying and so on. For all these, the installation of a humidity controller is a must.
Medical industry
Now coming to the medical industry where this controller is considered an important device. Some specific areas in hospitals such as ICU and labs require a balanced humidity level. Apart from this, research centers and production facilities also need a proper level of humidity. So, there is nothing great than installing this controller in these places for checking and monitoring the humidity levels. Read More... 

Monday, 11 November 2019

Get a clear concept of Digital counter to know more about it

Today, there is a great advancement in technology and science that has resulted in too many devices and gadgets. One such device is a Digital counter that is extensively demanded computing applications. What this device is all about? How does it work? Why it is considered advantageous? There are a number of questions that come with the application of the device. This device can be seen in digital clocks, LED timer screen and many more. To get detailed information about this useful computing device, go ahead and read the following points.
Counters are basically used in the formation of logical gates. Therefore, digital electronics would be incomplete with the application of these counters. If we will see the definition of this device then it is a digital logic device that is mainly used to store and display the specific events that are based on its software design and configuration. Read More...

Saturday, 2 November 2019

pH meter-an instrument of great applications in different industries

One of the important devices that find its great usage in labs, food industry, soap making, and many other places is the pH meter. This device is undoubtedly incredible electric equipment that is highly demanded to measure the acidic and alkaline nature of the solutions. It is widely used for calculating readings should in scientific experiments that involve water or other reactions. This device is available in different specifications and models such as portable meters, pH electrodes, bench top meters and many more. These are used as per the requirement of the pH testing applications.

Many of us must have heard or read about it in school. Isn’t it? Still, there are some people who are not aware of the miraculous applications of this little device. If you want to know more about the usage and application area of this meter then go ahead and read the points: 

  1.  Wine brewing: One of the most important areas of application of pH meter is in wine brewing. Whether it is a party, wedding or get together, we love to have a glass of wine in our hands. But, have you ever thought of having too acidic wine? In wine processing, this meter is used for balancing the pH level in the wine. In some wine, considerably low pH like 3.7 is considered perfect for giving your taste buds the ideal taste of wine.
  2.  Soap and detergent processing: pH meter is of great usage in soap and detergent making. If these cleaning materials will have too acidic or alkaline nature then it will surely impact your hands and fabrics. Therefore, there is a necessity of using this device for balancing the pH levels. In the industry, there will be different fabrics and different stains that are tested on the pH level to determine the ideal method of cleaning.
  3.  In dairy: It is also widely used in the dairy industry especially in the making of cheese and other products. Maintaining a proper balance of pH is important when it comes to making dairy items. The fact is that cheeses are needed to have a slightly lower acidity which can only be done by using this pH measuring device.
  4. In swimming pools: have you ever felt itchiness on your body after making a dive in the swimming pool? This is mainly caused due to the acidic water of the swimming pool. Therefore, pool water is continuously checked for its pH level. Not just this, pH meter also finds a huge application in wastewater treatment.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Important things that you should know about digital counter

When it comes to digital electronics, the digital counter is considered as the base or the fundamental concept. Many of us must have heard about this counter while studying electronics in colleges. But, still, there are a large number of people who are not aware of this counter. So, here are some important things that will let you know more about this device.
Mainly, this Digital counter is a device that is extensively used for counting the number of operations or the number of objects. The main reason for calling it a counter is that it is used for counting the number of ON/OFF signals input from any input device. This input device can be a sensor or a switch. You can see counters in different places for various applications such as calculators and digital clock. You can easily count smaller number but the larger numbers make the counting increasingly difficult. Therefore, counters came into existence for counting accurately. Read More...

Friday, 25 October 2019

Humidity controller is a must-have a device- Why so?

To have a comfortable life, we all need an ambient temperature and humidity levels where we go. Whether it is your office or residential place, everyone needs to have a balanced humidity level. Many times, we all must have experienced high or low levels of humidity in our lives. No matter what season it is, you will face the problem of low and high humidity levels all year around. In the rainy season, there will be high humidity in the air that causes stickiness or molds growth everywhere. For balancing the humidity of the surrounding, there is a requirement of the Humidity controller
This is a must have device that finds its great usage in different establishments. Right from the furniture industry to the textile, there are a number of sectors where this device is highly appreciated. Some of the reasons that make it a great humidity control device are listed below:
  • One of the main industries where this humidity controller is used is the textile industry. All the textiles have the ability to release and absorb humidity. The change in the humidity levels will directly impact the textile’s elasticity and many other properties. Therefore, there is a great demand for this device so that textile processing can be done with any effect of humidity levels. Read More...

Thursday, 10 October 2019

3 most important reasons for using a humidity controller

Have you ever felt that stickiness on your clothes when they are wet in monsoons? This is mainly caused due to humidity levels in the air. If there will any increased or decreased level of humidity then it causes a number of effects on different items. Therefore, the humidity controller is used for measuring and balancing the humidity of that particular space. In this, we will discuss the main important reasons why it is a necessity to use a humidity measuring device in almost everywhere.
  • Removal of airborne diseases: One of the main reasons why people make use of this controller is the removal of any sort of airborne diseases. If there is high humidity in the temperature then it will cause the development of molds and mildews all around you in your home, office or shops. This can sometimes cause allergic reactions or breathing problems. Therefore, people make use of the humidity controller to maintain a sufficient relative humidity percentage in the air.
  • Protects a number of items to get damaged: There are a number of sectors in which this controller is installed for different applications. Some items such as furniture, antiques and many more need to be placed in ambient temperature in order to keep the things protected from extreme low or high humidity. Even, the walls of your home can get cracked if not taken care of a balanced humidity level. So, this device is widely demanded in food processing units, furniture making, and many other industries.
  • Protecting the plants and crops: One of the bad effects of extremely high or low humidity levels is on the plants. If there will be high humidity then it will make the leaves and plants decay. Therefore, the humidity controller is used in almost every greenhouse for providing a balanced temperature to the plants so that they can grow properly.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

A comprehensive guide about the application and functionality of digital counter

We all must have heard about Digital counter in digital electronics. But, what it is all about? How does it work? Digital Counter is the fundamental concept of digital electronics that is mainly demanded in different industries for counting applications. Known as a gift of advanced technology, this device is featured with the unmatched attribute that makes it proficient in showing simple as well as multifaceted counting. If we will discuss in the simple words then this is a precision instrument that is well suited for the purpose of computing, storing and displaying the data. This kind of counter holds an edge over other kind instruments that are available in the market as it is less expensive and offers precise data. Read More...

Friday, 27 September 2019

Top reasons for installation of humidity meter in different places

During rainy season, we have felt some stickiness on our clothes or walls of the house. This is known as the humidity that contains high amount of water particles. This humid temperature happens because of increased level of water content in the atmosphere. This increased level or extreme low humidity can cause multiple impacts on different objects. For this, there is a device that is installed in a number of places for balancing the humidity levels. This device is known as humidity meter that has the ability to maintain humidity inside an environment.
Many people still don’t understand the requirement and importance of this meter. So, here is a list of some important reasons that will let you know why installation o this meter is needed. Let’s have a close look at each of them: Read More...

Saturday, 31 August 2019

Humidity meter-A guide that you need to know about

Over the years, there can be seen development in a large number of compact and small devices. This all has been made possible because of advancement in science and technology. If we are talking about compact devices, the first name that comes to the mind is humidity meter. Because of its multiple benefits, this meter is demanded in a number of places. It offers an ideal solution for use in environmental sensing nodes, weather stations, and many more applications. This meter is basically an important instrument that is mainly used for measuring the amount of water vapor in air and gases.

Right from laboratories to weather forecasting, this meter is extensively demanded in the market. Let’s have a close look at the application area of this meter:

Application area of humidity meter
  • The application area of this meter is widespread because of its accuracy. Humidity meter is used as a compact part of many appliances and instruments such as air conditioning systems, home heating and many more.
  • It is also suitable to be used in food service applications where humidity can cause spoilage of the foods.
  • Apart from laboratories, it can also be seen in museums for protecting the valuable works of art from any sort of damage because of excessive moisture.
  • One of the main perks of using this meter is that it helps in meteorology stations for reporting and predicting the weather. In addition to this, this meter finds its application in cars and homes.

Amazing attributes of humidity meter

Some of the important features of this meter that has made it highly demanded in different industries are:
  • Accurate readings
  • Excellent response time
  • Reliability and linearity

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

A well-detailed guide about how to find a trusted manufacturer of digital counter

When we talk about electronic engineering, the first that comes to the mind is the digital counter. This counter is known as a precise instrument that is extensively used for computing, storing and displaying the data according to different places. The application of this precision counter is widespread in different places. Right from your home to malls, counters are utilized in varied places. Because of its precise nature, this device is highly preferred over any other instrument. Thus, it is important to find a counter that has been efficiently designed. Because of the availability of a number of manufacturers of counters, it would be difficult for you to choose which one is the best.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

How Data Logger is changing Business opportunities in 21st century?

Data Logger is the technological advanced device utilized for recording entries automatically. It operates on the basis of inbuilt memory card and smart sensors. Designed with perfection, Data Logger matches industry standards and needs low maintenance. International market offers data recorders that function on inbuilt battery or Li-ion battery. Each device runs for long hours and does not display any technical glitches. Scientists use this device for calculating climatic changes and predict weather forecast. Whereas, it’s along used for commercial purposes at shops and food take away joints. This device is not only good for research purposes, but utilized for recording data for future references. Read More...

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Applications Of ORP Meter

Measurement  of  pH  and  applications  of  ORP  Meter  can  be  found  in  diverse  processes like  disinfection, wine  making, electroplating, and  mining. Some  of  the  important  applications  employing  ORP Meter  includes:

Disinfection  of  municipal  waste  water  is  often  accomplished  through  the  addition  of  chlorine. Chlorine  is  generated  through  sodium  hypochlorite, calcium  hypochlorite  or  chlorine  gas  in  elemental  form. Chlorine then  reacts  with  water  to  form  hypochlorous  acid. In  water  treatment  applications, an  ORP  meter  is  used  to  measure  the  oxidation  by  controlling  the  amount  of  free  chlorine, such  that  a  known  bacteria  killing ORP  level  is  achieved. In  similar  manner,  ORP  and  hypochlorous  acid  is  used  to  maintain  pool  chlorination.

The  amount  of  dissolved  oxygen  is  an  important  measurement  parameter  in  many  processes. In  power  plants, bioprocessing, and  aquatic  applications, it  is  usually  measured  using  a   dissolved  oxygen (DO)  analyzer. In  water  treatment  applications, an  ORP Meter  is  used  in  conjunction  with  DO  analyzer  for  biological  nitrogen  and  phosphate  removal  using  bacteria. Measuring  the  ORP  level  using  the  ORP Meter  helps  to  monitor  the  bacteria’s  metabolic  activity.  This  helps  to  optimize  the  removal  process  in  different  environments (aerobic, anaerobic, and  anoxic).

An  ORP  meter  is  also  used  to  maintain  ORP  level  in  winemaking  fermentation  to  control  aeration  during  yeast  fermentation. Maintaining  the  correct  level  of  ORP  is  crucial  so  as  to  maintain  an  aerobic  environment  to  inhibit  the  formation  of  undesirable  aromas  of  hydrogen  sulfide  and  volatile  sulfur  in  the  final  product.

In  industrial  waste  water  treatment, for  either  the  reduction  or  oxidation  of  components  before  discharge, redox  reactions  are  used. For  example, cyanide  waste  water  treatment. Cyanide  is  a  carcinogen  and  has  to  be  removed  from  the  water  before  release. In  the  treatment  process, the  redox  reaction  is  used  to  remove  cyanide  completely  from  water. This  is  monitored  using  an  ORP Meter  that  measures  the  ORP  level. A  plateau  in  ORP  level  indicates  complete  oxidation  of  components  and  transition  to  next  stage  of  treatment.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Advanced Digital Counter Brings New Age of Handling Orders and Customers

Imagine! You enter a lavish restaurant and the representative asks you to wait for your order without any serial code for tracking. This will surely confuse you and make things complex. Luckily, we today have Digital counter installed in all prestigious restaurants, offices and corporate companies. With the help of the counting device, the customer number or order number is displayed for the ease of managing the production and delivery.
Earlier, things were simple and easy. There was not that much need of food order in queue. It was time of traditional counters. But, the token system was more proactive at that time. With the gradual increase in technology, the Digital counters came into action. In the beginning, the manufacturers have to market their product with tough time. But, very soon the device became popular and it started gaining customer-base. Today, Digital Data counters are utilized widely in top selling restaurants, bars and retail outlets. Read More....


Due to the incredible outstanding task at hand, it is very hard for individuals to figure the components physically. Individuals expect devices to ascertain the information for different purposes, for example, for the logical reason, tallying the stock got and for monitoring the time. Prior individuals utilize the time based devices to quantify the pace and adding machines for counting the numbers. However, Digital Counter have demonstrated to be a basic devices for business purposes as it gives extraordinary exactness and consistency.
Read More....

Wide Use of Humidity Meter for varied activities and Temperature maintenance

A Humidity controller, as the name proposes is used to evaluate and identify the proportion of dampness present in the environment. The device is used in various endeavors, for instance, in wood industry, food and drink store and some more.
Regardless of the way that the uses of the moist controller gadgets are very wide, few of them are referenced underneath where these meters ended up being extraordinarily useful:
Metal working: Some of the metalworking strategy, for instance, surface treatment and fortifying required to be done under exceptional situations. Humidity meter expect a basic occupation as the parameters of the atmosphere need to be checked to make the metalworking procedure productive.
Blow dry process: There are various substances, for instance, paper, seeds, lentils and metal parts that have to be dried before they are set up for the accompanying stage. Here, the humidity controller sets up the moistness sensible for these substances.
General mechanical applications: Large power modules and essential oxygen radiator precipitator are used by wide organizations, where stickiness or sensor controllers expect a crucial activity in maintaining the set temperature required.
Stack spread watching: There are certain parameters set for various endeavors, for instance, gas turbines, solid amassing stoves, coal-ended power plants, incinerators, and processing plants. Stickiness meter urges a couple of organizations to set the exact parameters of moisture or clamminess for genuine mechanical process.
Food and Beverage industry: Humidity meter has a basic process to complete in the food and refreshment industry. There are certain things, for instance, wafers and scones which are required to be kept totally set up which is completely free of clamminess. Certain food product dealing with ovens rely upon the humidity controller with the objective that the moisture level is kept up and the substance inside the compartment does not get affected.
Storage houses: Countries with tropical weather always need humidity meter installed in the storage houses. This allows the storage item to withstand the temperature and climatic changes. In case of furniture and metal works, it is easy to get rust or termite if they are not secured safely in suitable climatic range. Hence, humidity controller secures the long lasting age of storage items.